Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Please click the above headline if you are a Local 420
journeyman/journeywoman who has taken your Initial 8-Hour PSM Course at
the training center between the years of 1994 and 2006. The training
center is requesting your photo for a new safety card that will be
In the near future, the training center will be issuing a new card to Local 420 Journeyworkers regarding their safety courses (PSM, OSHA, etc.). The new card will have a photo of the member and a QR code that can be scanned and will display all safety courses taken by the member. These cards will eventually replace the paper issued PSM cards with expiration stickers. In order to begin the process, the training center is requesting photos of journeymen who took the PSM Initial Course prior to the photo taking process becoming all digital pictures. If you took your Initial 8-Hour PSM Course between the years of 1994 and 2006, please email a current head and shoulder photo of yourself (please, no wearing of sunglasses or hats) in JPEG format to Peter Klein, Director of Training at [email protected]. Please include your Full Name, UA Card Number, and “PSM Photo” in the subject line of the email.